The attack on the undeserved monument to a man whose only previous claim to fame was being a racist landlord, fake rich dude, and host of a phony reality TV show happened at about 5 am PDT, only an hour or so after the President announced that he and the First Lady had been infected with Covid-19. Apparently, $5,000 worth of damage was done to the star, which is over 6 times more than alleged rich guy Trump paid in taxes in 2017, the year he ascended to the White House toilet to abuse us daily with his syphilitic nonstop stream of consciousness tweets. “Any star, which is vandalized or destroyed, no matter which honoree it belongs to will be replaced by the Hollywood Historic Trust, a non-profit, non-partisan group,” Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Rana Ghadban told TMZ, who first reported the news. “When people are angry with one of our honorees, we would hope that they would project their anger in more positive ways than to vandalize a California State landmark. Our democracy is based on respect for the law. People can make a real difference by voting and not destroying public property.” Ghadban is absolutely right, “our democracy is based on respect for the law,” a law which the President and his reptilian fascist cronies have flouted at every opportunity, facing zero consequences for their actions, and making America and the world a more unsafe place with every day they are allowed to remain in power. Acts of vandalism like this, even in the interest of protest, are counterproductive, so maybe it’s time that the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce finally does the prudent thing and stops replacing the star of the “worst President we’ve ever had” since people keep vandalizing it. With all that in mind, Election Day is Nov. 3. You can find a full suite of voting resources here. The opinions expressed in this piece are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Den of Geek.