Obviously this is your second time around. Did you ask for anything specific for your character in this movie? Nope! I get the script and Gunn’s style is well-thought out. It leaves very little work for me to do! From what he says it sounds like he keeps a tight rein on the actors sticking to the script. Is that your experience of working with him? What was it like having so many scenes with a CGI character, and having to act off them? They become real to you man! It’s intriguing. My friend Sean Gunn does the Rocket stuff on stage, so that’s great fun. It’s a tough way to shoot stuff because you’re doing it over and over again, even if you nail it first time. You’ve just done it as well as it can be done but you’ve got to do it four more times from different angles so they can layer all the CGI and digital stuff on it. It’s a tough way to make a movie! What was it like working with Stallone? Oh, beautiful. He came in, was dead on. Very professional. Just a great experience. Without giving spoilers away, how do you feel about the way Yondu ends the movie? So let’s see if we can clear up a Wikipedia matter, if we could…? Oh, Wikipedia ALWAYS has it right. [Laughs] Ha, quite. So your Wiki page says that you’re in Infinity War. Anything you’d like to say about it? Well… I don’t know! I think it’s too soon to say. You’ll have to wait and see… That was good, wasn’t it? I don’t think we cleared anything up! No, no. Thank you, man! Michael Rooker, Thank you very much. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 is on DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray now.