The World’s Strangest Heroes are a dense, intricate bunch, but we’ve examined them closely and are happy to introduce you to them ahead of their arrival on DC Universe.


Arnold Drake, Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani introduced the Doom Patrol in the pages of My Greatest Adventure in 1963. Titans did a surprisingly good job of summing the Doom Patrol up in the episode that introduced them. They’re the weirdos, the people with strange gifts whose abilities make them not international heroes like the Justice League, but a bunch of misfit freaks. Their tagline when they were introduced in 1963 was “…The World’s Strangest Heroes,” and it was accurate. This wasn’t a team of square-jawed supermen fighting for justice: it was a robot with the mind of a racecar driver and a guy who could shoot his radioactive soul out of his chest at the bad guys. They were about as popular as you would expect: the team had their own series for a little more than 40 issues before being canceled. Drake, in what seems like a fit of pique at the books cancellation and its weird similarities to the X-Men (who arrived AFTER the Doom Patrol, it should be noted), killed off everyone. Everyone. Starting with issue #19 of volume 2 (the post Crisis edition), Grant Morrison and Richard Case took over Doom Patrol. This book, along with titles like Animal Man, Sandman, Hellblazer, and Saga of the Swamp Thing (among others) is responsible for the birth of Vertigo, the mature readers/semi-creator owned line of extremely influential DC books. Morrison’s run was as memorable as it was influential, and only its immediate follow up (by Rachel Pollack) and one relaunch attempt since has made any significant mark. In 2016, former DC Comics intern Gerard Way (whose claim to fame is being the lead singer of My Chemical Romance) launched Young Animal, a curated line of comics that included his and Nick Derington’s spiritual and in-continuity successor to Morrison and Pollack’s run.


Your television Doom Patrol members include: – Robotman – Cliff Steele, a racecar driver whose body was obliterated during the Indy 500. His brain was put into a robot body by the Chief, and now he has lots of varied robot powers, like self repair and super-strength. – Negative Man – Larry Trainor, an irradiated test pilot who can shoot his radioactive soul out of his body. The radioactive soul can fly, cause explosions, go intangible, typical soul stuff. – Elastigirl – Rita Farr is a gold-medal swimmer and actress exposed to weird volcano gases on a movie shoot that give her the power to grow or shrink. She thinks this makes her a freak. – The Chief – Niles Caulder is a wheelchair-bound genius who’s also kind of an asshole. – Beast Boy – Garfield Logan left the Doom Patrol to join Dick Grayson’s team in Titans, but before that he contracted a rare illness in Africa as a young child, and to cure it his father injected him with a serum that turned him into an immune monkey for a little while while the disease ran itself out. His parents later died. He’s probably better off. – Cyborg – the only member of the upcoming show who has nothing to do with the Doom Patrol in any incarnation, Victor Stone had horrible damage done to his body by…different things according to which continuity (right now it’s a Mother Box accident), and he was turned into a cyborg by his genius scientist father. Vic is a Teen Titans mainstay, and since the New 52 relaunch, was also a founding member of the Justice League. Other notable members include: -Mento – Steve Dayton is uber wealthy, so he did what any rich guy might do: spent a ton of money on a weird helmet to give him psychic powers so he could impress an actress. Turns out it worked, though, and he eventually married Elastigirl and adopted Beast Boy. -Danny the Street – Literally a sentient street. -Flex Mentallo – a 98 pound weakling who gained the power of Muscle Mystery, which let him rewrite reality if he flexed a certain way. -Ambush Bug – Irwin Schwab is a teleporter who knows he’s a comic book character and is probably the most normal one from the “other notable members” section.


The main villains for the Doom Patrol are the Brotherhood of Evil. The Brain, a disembodied brain in a jar, is out to get revenge on the Chief for…well, it’s actually pretty justified. The Chief tried to kill the Brain so he could put the Brain’s mind in Robotman’s body. The Chief is pretty messed up. He’s joined on the team by Monseiur Mallah, a supersmart gorilla with a huge machine gun and a beret; Madame Rouge, a shapeshifting stretchy lady; Animal-Vegetable-Mineral man, who can change any part of his body into anything animal, vegetable or mineral; General Immortus, a semi-immortal general with a grasp of tactics unseen by the world; and General Zahl, a former U-Boat captain. Listen to the Sci Fi Fidelity podcast discussion of Doom Patrol: Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Acast | RSS


– Titans of course. The weird team showed up a couple of times in DC Universe’s flagship series before it was announced that they were getting their own spin off. – Teen Titans – The Doom Patrol was part of the inciting backstory for season 5 of the incredible TV predecessor to Teen Titans GO! The full Patrol crossed over with the Titans in the first two episodes of season 5, and the Brotherhood of Evil was that season’s overarching villain. – Batman: The Brave & The Bold where the Patrol dies helping Batman fight off the Brotherhood of Evil. -inexplicably never in a video game, even though Negative Man is basically Noob Saibot and it wouldn’t have been that hard to make a stage in Injustice 2 Danny the Street. Or if they were really feeling ambitious, put a stage in the painting that ate Paris.


Doom Patrol by Rachel Pollack  – If you can find this, grab it. Pollack took the concepts Morrison introduced and went deeper into them. The issues are scanned and online, but not on DC Universe nor collected in print. Literally nothing for 20 years after that – John Byrne and John Arcudi both tried to relaunch the book as a more traditional superhero book, but neither worked. The team has shown up a few times in the pages of Justice League, but those appearances tend to fit the tone of the crossover book rather than the spirit of the Doom Patrol. Doom Patrol premieres on DC Universe on Feb. 15.